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Sittin’ Pretty, Block 9 Dancing Tulips Mystery Stitch Along

$6.00 - $58.00

Product Description

Sittin‘ Pretty is block 9 in the new mystery stitch along, Dancing Tulips, from Woolie Friends FB Group!  this little bluebird is enjoying the springtime view from the tulip bed of flowers! 

We are offering fabric kits, thread kits and printed patterns which have preprinted templates ready for you to use right away! Even if you use fusible, the preprinted templates work great and do not require you to reverse any shapes!  No tracing or preparation is needed!  

The fabric kits are priced at $24.99 and include the embellishment beads.  The thread kits are priced at $22.  The printed patterns include preprinted templates on Traditional Primitives Wool Applique Freezer Paper and ar $10.  If you purchase all these items together you will receive a Big Bundle for the discounted price of $58!  You can download the pattern for $9 if you’d like And you can find it HERE.  

I’ve also listed items that make wool applique easy and fun For me.  I use a long arm stapler after using fusible or glue stick.  It reaches to the center of a block much easier than a normal sized stapler.  When we crinkle up the block to sew, you’ll never loose a piece again!  Give Traditional Primitives Wool Applique Needles a try!  They are a longer, thinner needle with a smaller eye than a chenille.  They are good for 12 Pearl, 3 or 6 strands of floss and 12 wt thread for applique.  You’ll appreciate some small, sharp curved blade scissors for some small shapes in this project.  When using homespun, I always back the fabric with woven lightweight fusible interfacing to give the background stability.  

Each of the designers in the Woolie Friends Stitch Alongs FBGroup are listed below in the order of their block release.  Visit each one to get your kits ordered.  What a great surprise each week as they arrive! 

Calico Patch:

Rusty Crow:

Through the Needle's Eye: 

The Cottage Rose: 

Wooden Spool Designs:

My Red Door Designs:

Cherry Blossoms:

Traditional Primitives: 

Sew Cherished:

The Woolen Needle:

Linen Closet Designs: